
Instrumentos de medición de temperaratura
  • Termómetros para neveras y cámaras frigoríficas en acero inoxidable
    Analog fridge thermometers in stainless steel
    from 6,50€
  • Termómetros para neveras y cámaras frigoríficas -30+30ºC
    Analog fridge thermometers in stainless steel
    from 4,43€
  • Con cables fep de 1 m y sonda de Ø3.3x100mm
    High precision datalogger down to -100ºC
    from 98,63€
    Datalogger -100ºC
  • Datalogger de -200 hasta 1400ºC con sonda intercambiable tipo k
    High precision datalogger down to -100ºC
    from 108,74€
    Datalogger -100ºC
  • Con cables de silicona de 1 m y sonda de Ø4x50mm
    High precision datalogger down to -100ºC
    from 98,63€
    Datalogger -100ºC
  • Termómetro de infrarrojos digital hasta 500ºC
    G-500 Digital infrared thermometer up to 550ºC
    from 37,93€
    Envío 24-48h
  • Digital thermometer for fridge/Freezer MAX/MIN
    from 12,64€
    entrega en 24h
  • High accuracy Therma-hygrometer with dew point indicator
    High accuracy Therma-hygrometer with dew point indicator
    from 164,39€
  • termometro con pantalla retroiluminada, alarma sonora e imán de sujeción
    High precision thermometer down to -100ºC
    from 101,16€
    Con alarma sonora
  • Termómetro con batería recargable
    High precision thermometer down to -100ºC
    from 85,98€
  • Higrómetro con alarma y función máxima y mínima
    Hygrometer with max/min & alarm functions
    delivery in 24h
  • precisión de 2% en humedad y 0.2 grados en temperatura
    Datalogger precision humidity 2% RH / ± 0.2°C
    from 106,21€
    2% humidity accuracy
  • precisión de 2% en humedad y 0.2 grados en temperatura
    Precision thermohygrometer 2% RH / ±0.2°C
    Humidity accuracy 2%
  • Con resolución de 0.01 y precisión de 0.4ºC
    Datalogger -30 to 70°C
    from 80,92€
    Alarm max/min
  • Data logger Tempmate M1 registrador de temperaturas mercancias, venta en gesa
    Tempmate M1 Multi-Use Temperature USB Data Logger
    from 75,24€
  • Termómetro de -200 hasta 1400ºC con sonda intercambiable tipo k
    DT-31 Thermometer with interchangeable probe from -200 to 1400ºC
    from 108,74€
    Thermometer 1400ºC
  • Thermometric rod 0 to 200ºC of 200mm
    Thermometric rod 0 to 200ºC of 200mm
    from 6,21€
  • Digital thermometer REFERENCE
    Digital thermometer REFERENCE
    from 415,80€
  • Termómetro con sensor PT-1000, batería recargable mediante micro USB
    High precision thermometer with rechargeable battery
    from 55,64€
    Rechargeable battery
  • Termómetro de infrarrojos para fiebre sin contacto con dos modos
    Forehead contactless thermometer for fever
    from 18,98€
    Delivery in 48-72h
  • Thermometer v-shaped
    Thermometer v-shaped in aluminum C0101
    from 18,94€
    delivery in 24h
  • Termómetros de Capilla en aluminio din 16181y din 16182
    Thermometer v-shaped in aluminum C0101
    from 15,77€
    entrega en 24/72h
  • Termómetro-Higrómetro digital de gran formato para pared RD1826/2009
    Big Digital Thermometer-Hygrometer with internal sensor for wall
    from 513,37€
  • Medidor de CO2 digital de gran formato para pared
    Wall-mounted large format digital CO2 meter
  • Temperature Data logger  with display
    Temperature data logger with display
    from 178,04€
  • Data logger GesaLog registrador con su caja
    GesaLog RC-5 plus Data Logger with external probe and automatic PDF report
    from 19,92€
  • Data logger hasta 105ºC en acero inoxidable con sonda de penetración y anilla
    Stainless Steel ThermaData Data Logger -20 to 105ºC
    from 183,73€
  • termómetros con escala de opal en latón o acero para sistemas de climatización
    Industrial glass thermometers with opal scale F0101
    from 47,34€
  • High-precision thermometer for cold room monitoring
    ThermaGuard high precision thermometer for fridge monitorization -39.9 to 49....
    from 106,37€
  • Data logger inalámbrico WiFi de -100 a 1372ºC de 2 canales termopares tipo KWiFi
    WiFi Logger ThermaData two channel type K thermocouple -100 to 1372ºC
    from 222,41€
  • Data logger inalámbrico WiFi de 0 a 50ºC
    WiFi Logger ThermaData with internal sensor 0 to 50
    from 174,06€
  • Data logger para altas temperaturas ThermaData con sonda termopar tipo K
    ThermaData logger with K-Type thermocouple Probes
    from 232,08€
  • Termómetro digital compatible con sondas termistor y termopares, venta en Gesa
    Thermometer THERMA 22 for food processing
    from 158,58€
  • Dial thermometers with bimetallic strip and inner components in copper alloy
    Bimetallic thermometers D03 Economical model
    from 7,79€
    Delivery in 24h
  • Data loggers for temperature and humidity
    Waterproof Data loggers
    from 153,75€
  • Data logger sumergible hasta 500m
    Submersible Data loggers up to 500m
    from 169,94€
  • Data logger temperatura -40 a 125ºC
    Temperature Data logger -40 to 125ºC
    from 96,70€
  • Indoor temperature Data logger
    Indoor temperature Data logger
    from 111,67€
  • Data logger temperatura y humedad con sonda externa -20 a 85ºC // 0 a 100% HR
    Temperature and humidity Datalogger with external probe -40 to 85ºC // 0 to 100...
    from 174,06€
  • Submersible datalogger resistant to high temperatures
    Submersible datalogger resistant to high temperatures
    from 234,68€
  • Estación meteorológica con sensor remoto para temperatura, humedad y barometro
    Weather station with remote sensor for temperature, humidity and atmospheric...
    from 31,11€
  • Higrómetro digital máxima y mínima con reloj y alarma -10º a 50ºC
    Max/min Hygrometer with clock & Alarm
    Delivery in 24h
  •  Max/min Hygrometer with external probe
    Max/min Hygrometer with external probe
    from 21,86€
  • Termohigrometro para panelar
    Hygrometer Panel mount
    delivery in 24h
  • Higrómetro máxima/mínima interior/exterior
    Hygrometer IN/OUT
    delivery in 24h
  • Budget Legionnaire's or legionella thermometer kit
    Digital thermometers for industrial purposes THERMA series
    from 180,83€
  • Digital thermometer MICROTHERMA 1 for industry with automatic recalibration
    from 203,58€
  • Antivibration exhaust pyrometers +50+650ºC for high temperatures D22
    Antivibration exhaust pyrometers +50+650ºC for high temperatures D22
    from 133,52€
    Delivery in 24h
  • Pirómetros rígidos +50+650ºC para altas temperaturas D23
    Exhaust pyrometers +50+650ºC for high temperatures D23
    from 139,69€
    Delivery in 24h
  • Psicrómetro medidor de humedad análogico
    from 79,67€
    delivery in 24-48h
  • Glass enclosed scale Thermometer inserts
    Glass enclosed scale Thermometer inserts F0102
    from 31,36€
  • Temperature data logger for transportation with built-in sensor
    Data loggers for transportation
    from 80,92€
  • Sonda de temperatura PT100 (RTD) cabezal con conexión eléctrica sencilla y brida
    Temperature probe PT100 (RTD) with head and stem in stainless steel AISI 316
    from 74,55€
  • Sonda de temperatura PT100 cabezal con conexión eléctrica sencilla y bulbo liso
    Temperature probe PT100 (RTD) with head and stem in stainless steel AISI 316
    from 62,16€
  • Sonda de temperatura PT100 (RTD) cabezal con conexión eléctrica sencilla
    Temperature probe PT100 (RTD) with head and stem in stainless steel AISI 316
    from 74,29€
  • Sonda de temperatura PT100 (RTD) cabezal con conexión eléctrica sencilla
    Temperature probe PT100 (RTD) with head and stem in stainless steel AISI 316
    from 143,42€
  • Sonda de temperatura PT100 (RTD) cabezal con conexión eléctrica sencilla y rosca
    Temperature probe PT100 (RTD) with head and stem in stainless steel AISI 316
    from 76,31€
  • Probe for big format thermometer with LCD screen
    Probe for big format thermometer with LCD screen
    from 145,59€
  • Probe for big format termometer with LCD screen and 3m RS485
    Thermometer probe with lcd display
  • Termohigrómetro con registro de máxima y mínima
    Therma-hygrometer with temperature and humidity maximum and minimum
    from 14,90€
  • Termohigrómetro digital portátil de bolsillo con función máxima y mínima
    Pocket sized digital thermo-hygrometer
    Delivery in 24h
  • Every angle inert gas filled thermometers
    Every angle dial thermometer in stainless steel
    from 75,87€
  • termometro para hornos especialmente diseñado para panelar en embocadura
    Thermometers for ovens with front flange D41
    from 35,40€
    Delivery in 24h
  • termómetro especialmente diseñado para colocar en embocadura de hornos grandes
    Thermometers for ovens with brass stem D42
    from 26,46€
    Delivery in 24h
  • Door thermometers for ovens
    Door thermometers for ovens D43
    from 21,50€
  • Termómetro bimetálico para tuberias
    Bimetallic thermometer for pipes D61
    Delivery in 24h
  • Termómetro con jaula de plástico para mosto, lecherías y otras aplicaciones indu
    Thermometer for musts and dairies
    from 32,75€
  • Frying thermometer with clip holder
    Frying thermometer with clip holder
    from 9,67€
  • termómetro portátil con clip y argolla para colgar. Ideal para excursionistas
    Solid-stem thermometer with stainless steel pocket
    from 19,20€
    Delivery in 24h
  • Termómetro de capilla de poliamida C0102
    Thermometer v-shaped in polyamide C0102
    from 22,93€
    Delivery in 24h
  • V-shaped pyrometers
    V-shaped pyrometers
    from 44,83€
  • Bimetal dial thermometers in stainless steel D01
    Bimetal dial thermometers in stainless steel D01
    from 16,75€
    delivery in 24h
  • Digital infrared thermometer up to 2200ºC
    Digital infrared thermometer up to 2200ºC with electrical connection
    from 483,99€
    Delivery in 24h
  • Termómetro de infrarrojos digital hasta 950ºC IT 950 with adjustable emissivity
    Digital infrared thermometer up to 950ºC with adjustable emissivity
    from 104,45€
    Delivery in 24h
  • Hand-held temperature and humidity Data logger
    Hand-held temperature and humidity Data logger
    from 339,89€
  • Data logger compacto para amperaje y voltaje
    Compact Data loggers for amperage and voltage
    from 113,29€
  • Data logger voltaje y amperaje con pantalla
    Amperage and voltage data logger with display
    from 178,04€
  • Data logger compacto para temperatura
    Compact Data loggers for temperature
    from 95,49€
  • Infrared thermometer RAYTEMP 3 up to 500ºC
    Infrared thermometer RAYTEMP 3 up to 500ºC
    from 100,90€
  • Milk frothing thermometer - barista thermometer
    Milk frothing thermometer - barista thermometer
    from 9,67€
  • Remote reading thermometers
    Remote reading thermometers D31
    from 122,40€
  • Remote reading thermometers
    Remote reading thermometers D32
    from 87,50€
  • Termómetro de mercurio con escala de opal de -10 a 110ºC
    Mercury filled thermometer with opal scale from -10 to 110ºC
    from 41,09€
  • Termómetro de mercurio con escala de opal de -10 a 200ºC
    Mercury filled thermometer with opal scale from -10 a 200ºC
    from 41,09€
  • Termómetro de mercurio con escala de opal de 0 a 50ºC
    Mercury filled thermometer with opal scale from -10 to 50ºC
    from 41,09€
  • Termómetro de mercurio con escala de opal de -35 a 20ºC
    Mercury filled thermometer with opal scale from -35 to 20ºC
    from 41,09€
  • Termómetro de mercurio con escala de opal de 0 a 360ºC
    Mercury filled thermometer with opal scale from 0 to 360ºC
    from 41,09€
  • Spare Cases for V-Shaped thermometers
    Spare Cases for V-Shaped thermometers
    from 6,64€
  • Opal thermometer B-175
    Opal thermometer B-175
    from 33,28€
  • Thermometer with clip holder for sugar, candy, jam or fryers
    Thermometer with clip holder for sugar, candy, jam or fryers
    from 17,40€
  • Solid Stem Glass Thermometers with protection sheath
    Solid Stem Glass Thermometers W0101 with protection sheath
    from 13,92€
  • magnetic thermometer for metal surfaces such as radiators or pipes
    Dial thermometer with magnet up to 120º for radiators or pipes
    from 29,00€
  • Termómetro digital con sonda fija Catertemp Plus para catering
    Digital thermometer with fixed probe Catertemp Plus
    from 177,59€
  • Termómetro digital con sonda Alimentación  FOODCHECK
    Digital probe thermometer for catering FOODCHECK
    from 116,04€
  • Termómetro digital de lectura rápida con sonda de penetración para cocina
    Digital thermometer THERMAPEN
    from 83,16€
  • Digital thermometer PRECISION
    PRECISION Digital thermometer
    from 193,39€
  • Digital thermometer PRECISION PLUS
    Digital thermometer PRECISION PLUS
    from 406,14€
  • Digital probe thermometer for catering CATERTEMP
    Digital probe thermometer for catering CATERTEMP
    from 131,51€
  • termómetro digital con sonda cable y alarma
    Digital room thermometer max/min & alarm function in/out
    from 31,92€
    Delivery in 24h
  • termómetro digital de bolsillo para carne, pan, chocolate y otros líquidos
    Pocket thermometer
    from 7,21€
    Delivery in 24h
  • termómetro digital de bolsillo resistente al agua con sonda de penetración
    Pocket sized digital waterproof thermometer
    from 32,88€
    Delivery in 24h
  • Termómetro digital de garita con función de máxima y mínima
    Digital thermometer with maximum and minimum function
    from 15,89€
  • Termómetro digital de horno
    DOT Digital oven thermometer
    from 58,02€
  • Termómetro digital Gourmet para catering
    Gourmet thermometer - water resistant thermometer with folding probe
    from 38,68€
  • Termómetro digital de -39.9 hasta 150ºC impermeable con IP65 ideal para carne
    Waterproof IP 65 digital thermometer -39.9 to 149.9°C
    from 33,86€
  • Termómetro digital impermeable para alimentación THERMACHECK PLUS
    Digital probe thermometer for catering THERMACHECK PLUS
    from 193,39€
  • Termómetro digital impermeable para industria Serie THERMA
    Waterproof digital thermometers for industrial purposes THERMA series
    from 143,12€
  • Termómetro digital con sonda Alimentación THERMA 20
    Digital probe thermometer for catering THERMA 20
    from 131,51€
  • Termómetro digital para alimentación THERMACHECK
    Digital probe thermometer for catering THERMACHECK
    from 139,25€
  • termómetros digitales para cámaras frigoríficas con función máxima y mínima
    Digital thermometer for fridge/Freezer MAX/MIN
    from 25,23€
    Delivery in 24h
  • Termómetro digital para industria Serie THERMA
    Digital thermometers for industrial purposes THERMA series
    from 87,02€
  • Termómetro digital para lavavajillas
    DishTemp dishwasher thermometer
    from 67,69€
  • Termómetro digital para neveras con indicador de alerta y protección IP65
    Digital thermometer for refrigerator with warning indicator and IP65
    from 21,85€
    Delivery in 24h
  • Termómetro digital TempTest para catering
    TempTest thermometer for catering
    from 123,77€
  • Digital Thermometer THERMALITE
    Digital Thermometer THERMALITE
    from 46,42€
  • termometro digital con sonda cable de penetración para catering, thermamite
    Digital catering thermometers THERMAMITE
    from 96,70€
  • Termómetro flotante para el agua de piscinas
    Floating thermometer for pools, ponds and fishfarms
    from 5,06€
  • Therma 20Plus waterproof thermometer for food processing
    Waterproof thermometer THERMA 20 PLUS for food processing
    from 158,58€
  • Infrared thermometer with socket for thermocouple probe up to 1370ºC RAYTEMP 8
    Infrared thermometer with socket for thermocouple probe up to 1370ºC RAYTEMP 8
    from 125,71€
  • Infrared thermometer with socket for thermocouple probe up to 999.9ºC RAYTEMP 38
    Infrared thermometer with socket for thermocouple probe up to 999.9ºC RAYTEMP 38
    from 357,78€
  • Infrared probe thermometer Thermapen IR
    Infrared probe thermometer Thermapen IR
    from 110,57€
  • Termómetro digital portátil para medida a distancia
    Mini RayTemp thermometer
    from 48,35€
  • RayTemp 2 high accuracy Infrared Thermometer
    RayTemp 2 high accuracy Infrared Thermometer
    from 96,70€
  • termómetro digital de pared con pantalla LCD grandey función máxima y mínima
    Digital room thermometer max/min
    from 18,38€
    delivery in 24h
  • Termómetro interior y exterior digital de ambiente máxima y mínima
    Digital room thermometer max/min
    from 11,13€
    Delivery in 24h
  • Termómetro multi-función digital con alarma y sonda de penetración
    Multi-function thermometer - digital catering thermometer with alarm and...
    from 19,34€
  •  Digital Thermometer for calibration REFERENCE THERMAPEN
    Digital Thermometer for calibration REFERENCE THERMAPEN
    from 222,41€
  • Termómetro para interior de horno en acero con escala de temperatura por color
    Oven thermometer
  • termómetro para medir la temperatura de suelos o tierra
    Soil thermometer
    from 16,37€
    Delivery in 24h
  • Oil tank Thermometer
    Oil tank Thermometer
    from 27,29€
  • Professional kitchen thermometer with alarm, timer and probe in steel
    Professional kitchen thermometer with alarm, timer and probe in steel
    from 56,89€
  • Termómetro Therma K Metal con carcasa de aluminio resistente al agua
    Digital thermometer Therma K Metal Waterproof compatible with K type...
    from 160,01€
  • Wall mount Big Digital Thermometer-Hygrometer with Hour and Date
    Wall mount Big Digital Thermometer-Hygrometer with Hour and Date
    from 1.499,55€
  • Wall mount Big Digital Thermometer-Hygrometer with network communication
    Wall mount Big Digital Thermometer-Hygrometer with network communication
    from 1.567,18€
  • Big Digital Thermometer-Hygrometer with internal sensor for wall
    Big Digital Thermometer-Hygrometer with internal sensor for wall
  • Wall mount Big Digital Thermometer-Hygrometer Standard Model with External Senso
    Wall mount Big Digital Thermometer-Hygrometer Standard Model with External...
    from 1.014,75€
  • Data logger para voltaje y amperaje
    Energy Data logger
    from 1.231,30€
  • Bimetallic thermometers in ABS
    Bimetallic thermometers in ABS D04
    from 3,61€
  • heavy duty dial thermometers for asphalt, blacktop and soil
    Heavy duty dial thermometers for asphalt, blacktop and soil
    from 17,40€
  • Termómetros de Galileo con bolas de colores para regalar
    Galilean thermometers
    from 19,36€
    Delivery in 24h
  • Remote reading thermometers in plastic
    Remote reading thermometers in plastic D33
    from 20,17€
  • Analog fridge thermometers with mural support
    Analog fridge thermometers with mural support
    from 5,06€
  • Analog fridge thermometers in stainless steel
    Analog fridge thermometers in stainless steel
    from 7,73€
  • PT100 de clase 1/10 sonda para líquidos de alta precisión, de venta en Gesa
    PT100 Class 1/10 liquid probe
  • PT100 de clase 1/10 sonda cable para líquidos de alta precisión, venta en gesa
    PT100 Class 1/10 liquid hand held probe
  • Termopar tipo k sonda de respuesta rápida con punta de aguja, de venta en Gesa
    Type K thermocouple fast response probe
    from 61,89€
  •  Termopar tipo k de respuesta rápida para neumáticos de venta en Gesa
    Type K thermocouple adjustable probe for tyres
    from 55,13€
  • PT100 de clase A sonda cable aislado en FEP para aire o gas, venta en Gesa
    PT100 Class A air or gas wire probe
  • Termopar tipo k de punta redondeada para contenedores autosellable venta en Gesa
    Type K thermocouple binder probe
    from 58,02€
  • Termopar tipo k de respuesta rapida para aire o gas de venta en Gesa
    Type K thermocouple air or gas probe
    from 56,08€
  • Termopar tipo k resistente e impermeble con punta reducida de venta en Gesa
    Heavy duty type K thermocouple waterproof penetration probe with reduced tip
    from 70,60€
  • Termopar tipo k sonda de aguja en miniatura, de venta en Gesa
    Type K thermocouple miniature needle probe
  • Termopar tipo k sonda de penetración, de venta en Gesa
    Type K thermocouple penetration probe
    from 56,08€
  • Termopar tipo k  para hornos y kilns de venta en Gesa
    Type K thermocouple black ball probe for ovens
  • Termopar tipo k sonda de penetración con mango corto
    Type K thermocouple penetration probe with small handle
  • Termopar tipo k resistente e impermeble para penetración de venta en Gesa
    Heavy duty type K thermocouple waterproof penetration probe
    from 60,92€
  • sonda termopar tipo k para penetracion con mango en T de venta en Gesa
    Heavy duty Type K thermocouple penetration probe
  • Termopar tipo k con clip para parrillas y hornos, de venta en Gesa
    Type K thermocouple clip oven probe
  • Termopar tipo k sonda de precisión para superficies, de venta en Gesa
    Type K thermocouple ribbon surface probe
    from 77,36€
  • sonda termopar tipo k con mango en T y punta reducida venta en Gesa
    Heavy duty Type K thermocouple probe with reduced tip
    from 71,56€
  • Termopar tipo k con cable en fibra de vidrio para hornos, de venta en Gesa
    Type K thermocouple exposed junction fast response probe in fibreglass
    from 15,97€
  • Type K thermocouple exposed junction fast response probe
    Type K thermocouple exposed junction fast response probe
    from 17,40€
  • sonda de temperatura de respuesta rápida, de venta en Gesa
    Type K thermocouple fast response probe with small handle
  • Termopar tipo k sonda de uso general en acero inoxidable, de venta en Gesa
    Type K thermocouple general purpose probe
    from 29,00€
  • Termopar tipo k sonda de velcro para tuberías medianas o grandes, venta en Gesa
    Type K thermocouple velcro probe for pipes
  • Termopar tipo k sonda flexible para altas temperaturas, de venta en Gesa
    Type K thermocouple high temperature probe
    from 61,89€
  • Termopar tipo k sonda impermeable para superficie, venta en Gesa
    Waterproof Type K thermocouple ribbon surface probe
    from 69,62€
  • Termopar tipo k sonda impermeable para superficies con sensor articulado, Gesa
    Type K thermocouple waterproof bell surface probe
    from 85,10€
  • Termopar tipo k sonda industrial de penetración, de venta en Gesa
    Type K thermocouple industrial penetration probe
    from 59,96€
  • Type K thermocouple magnet probe for surfaces
  • Termopar tipo k sonda para carne, de venta en Gesa
    Type K thermocouple fast response meat probe
  • Termopar tipo k sonda para horno con mango en acero inoxidable, de venta e Gesa
    Type K thermocouple oven probe
    from 42,54€
  • Termopar tipo k sonda para superficies con sensor de muelle, de venta en Gesa
    Type K thermocouple surface probe with spring loaded sensing tip
    from 61,89€
  • Termopar tipo k sonda para superficies móvilesmango hexagonal, de venta en Gesa
    Type K thermocouple roller probe for moving surfaces
    from 136,22€
  •  Termopar tipo k de sonda para superficies a altas temperaturas
    Heavy duty type K thermocouple surface probe
    from 66,72€
  • Termopar tipo k sonda rígida en acero inox para almacenaje, de venta en Gesa
    Type K thermocouple rigid between pack handle
    from 61,89€
  • sonda termopar tipo k con mango en T y punta sacacorchos venta en Gesa
    Heavy duty Type K thermocouple corkscrew probe
  • Termopar tipo T sonda resistenete para temperaturas entre cajas, venta en Gesa
    Heavy duty Type T thermocouple rigid between pack probe
  • Termopar tipo T sonda de penetracion de gran resistencia, venta en Gesa
    Heavy duty Type T thermocouple penetration probe
    from 62,86€
  • Termopar tipo T sonda de penetración resistente al agua, de venta en Gesa
    Heavy duty waterproof Type T thermocouple penetration probe
  • Termopar tipo T sonda de penetración resistente al agua sin mango, venta en Gesa
    Waterproof Type T thermocouple penetration probe without handle
  • Termopar tipo T sonda para aire o gas de respuesta rápida, de venta en Gesa
    Heavy duty Type T fast response thermocouple air or gas probe
  • Termorresistencia NTC sonda cable de respuesta rápida para aire, venta en gesa
    Heavy duty NTC fast response air or gas wire probe
  • Termorresistencia NTC sonda de gran resistencia para cajas, venta en Gesa
    Heavy duty NTC rigid between pack probe
  • Termorresistencia NTC sonda de penetración con mango de colores, venta en Gesa
    Heavy duty NTC penetration probe with colour-coded end caps
  • Termorresistencia NTC sonda de penetración con mango en forma de T, venta gesa
    Heavy duty NTC penetration probe with T-Shaped handle
  • sonda PT100 de clase A para control de temperatura entre cajas, de venta en Gesa
    PT100 Class A between pack probe
  • PT100 de clase A sonda en acero inoxidable  para aire o gas, de venta en Gesa
    PT100 Class A air or gas probe
  • Termorresistencia NTC sonda de penetración de vástago largo, venta en gesa
    Heavy duty NTC long stem penetration probe
  • PT100 de clase A sonda para líquidos con mango, venta en Gesa
    PT100 Class A liquid probe
  • Sonda PT100 de clase A para penetración en acero inoxidable , de venta en Gesa
    PT100 Class A penetration probe
  • PT100 de clase A sonda de penetración
    PT100 - RTD Class A penetration probe
  • Termorresistencia NTC sonda de respuesta rápida, venta en Gesa
    Heavy duty NTC fast response probe
  • Termorresistencia NTC sonda para aire o gas mango resistente, venta en Gesa
    Heavy duty NTC air or gas probe
  • Termorresistencia NTC sonda para cajas o paquetes para almacenes, venta en gesa
    NTC thermistor foil between pack probe
  • Termorresistencia NTC sonda sacacorchos para congelados, venta en gesa
    Heavy duty NTC corkscrew probe for frozen food with T-Shaped handle
  • Termorresistencia NTC sonda simuladora de temperatura de alimentos, venta gesa
    Heavy duty NTC food simulant probe
  • Data logger resistente con pinza de corriente 0-200A AC
    Data logger with 0-200A AC current clamp
    from 477,45€
  • Glass inserts for V-Shaped thermometers
    Glass inserts for V-Shaped thermometers
    from 11,25€
  • Thermowells for V-Shaped thermometers
    Thermowells for V-Shaped thermometers C0302
    from 8,60€
  • Protection tubes for thermometers
    Protection tubes for thermometers
    from 10,88€

Deliveries from 6,99€!

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(*)FREE SHIPPING in peninsular Spain for orders exceeding 120€ Portugal, France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Andorra, Germany, Austria and United Kingdom for orders exceeding 250€

(**) Subtotal before taxes has to be greater than the specified amount 120€ or 250€